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Book Intensive Coaching Sessions from our Winter Schedule for your 11+ student. 

Winter 2023 & 2024 - Intensive Coaching

11+ Intensive Coaching | Winter: Key Pathway Skills to Access Each 11+ Paper


Over the years, our 11+ Intensive Coaching has formed an invaluable part of successful 11+ preparation. Our Winter Intensive 11+ Coaching sessions give us the opportunity to help children access each of the three 11+ papers (Maths, English & VR) by teaching and helping them to improve upon the key skills needed to even begin to tackle each of the three subjects. In these sessions, we also really drill down into specific problematic and tricky 11+ areas within each paper. Our Winter Intensive Coaching sessions will cover the fundamental and technical skills essential to each paper, including some skills (and knowledge) not yet taught within the primary curriculum in schools (but do come up in the 11+ papers).


Key Pathway Maths & English Skills: These sessions will concentrate on the prerequisite key Maths & English skills and knowledge needed to access, progress and build confidence with the 11+ Maths & English papers.


Verbal Reasoning Code Breaking Questions: The focus of the session will be on Verbal Reasoning and, more specifically, the four different types of ‘Code Breaking’ questions. Every year, children are always the most unfamiliar with the Verbal Reasoning (VR) papers and, in particular, find the VR ‘code breaking’ questions amongst the toughest to get to grips with.


Verbal Reasoning: Maths & technical rule/pattern-based questions: This session will concentrate on the technical Maths and rule/pattern-based VR questions.












A note on our 11+ Mock Tests: Our 11+ Mock Tests start during the Easter holidays as part of our Spring Schedule and then run all the way up until the 11+ tests (during holiday periods) as part of our Summer & September Schedule. We feel that this is the earliest children should begin to sit Mocks.


Discounted prices for multiple bookings

Coaching Session: 1 x Intensive Coaching Session = £45
Coaching Package:
4 x Intensive Coaching Sessions = £170

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