11+ Mock Tests &
Intensive Coaching Sessions
Our Mock Tests enable children to practise and experience the rigors of the 11+ Test morning and helps to reduce anxiety around it and build confidence.
Our Intensive Coaching Sessions allow us to really drill down on, teach and practise the trickiest, most problematic and time-consuming areas of the tests.

11+ Mock Tests
Taking place during holiday periods (Easter, May/June, during the summer and September), our 11+ Mock Tests replicate the 'real thing' in terms of content, structure, setting and timings. For children across Poole & Bournemouth, our Mock Tests form an integral part of their successful 11+ preparation. Our Mock Tests have a number of valuable benefits:
- They help to ready children for the rigours of the 11+ test morning
- They run children through what they should expect on the day
- The results provide an accurate assessment and gauge of a child's current level, in terms of their 11+ progress and achievement, diagnosing their 11+ strengths and more importantly, the areas they still need to improve upon
- They help to reduce stress and anxiety in the run-up to the tests and on the day itself
Once a Mock morning is completed, we will mark your child’s papers and collate their results. You will then receive our feedback in the form of a detailed report summary, which will include your child’s scores, percentages, additional data and feedback on their areas for improvement.
To find more about our 11+ Mock Tests, please contact us and take a look at our events calendar for dates and more info. You can book your sessions by clicking the button below.
11+ Intensive Coaching Sessions
Over the years, our 11+ Intensive Coaching has formed (particularly alongside our Mocks) an invaluable part of successful 11+ preparation. These sessions give us the opportunity to really drill down into specific problematic and tricky 11+ areas across the three 11+ papers; English, Maths & Verbal Reasoning.
To find out more information about our 11+ Intensive Coaching Mornings, please contact us and take a look at our event calendar for dates and more info. You can book your sessions by clicking the button below.
Winter Intensive Coaching

We hold 11+ events throughout the year. The best place to check for the most up to date information is our event calendar or booking page.
Longfleet Primary School
Jolliffe Avenue
BH15 2HF
Longfleet Primary School
Jolliffe Avenue
BH15 2HF
Our Mock Tests and Intensive Coaching Sessions can now be booked online! Please head over to our bookings page for dates, availability and multi-booking discounts.
Our Mock Tests and Intensive Coaching Sessions can now be booked online! Please head over to our bookings page for dates, availability and multi-booking discounts.